2020 site work was slowed due to the Covid-19 lockdowns. Travel was restricted with restaurants and hotels closed for extended periods of time. Site work was canceled this construction season. We are hoping to get a good start Spring of 2021.

We have been making good progress with potential off-takers in the SPP control area. We are involved with 3 different utilities discussing power purchase agreements.

We have the third year of wind data recorded and it has been analyzed by our consulting wind group. The most recent data collected over the last 12 months has resulted in wind speeds of 9.4 m/s and 59.56% capacity factor. The three active met towers continue to operate 24-hours a day.

The Southwest Power Pool’s Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study (DISIS) has been rescheduled to start in Spring 2021 due to the current pandemic environment.

The project development team will be meeting again with the Dawson County Commissioners to provide a project update in the Spring of 2021.