The project has been in the design mode for the past 4 months. Turbine location, roads and transmission routes are being defined and we continue to generate wind data. The wind data is being analyzed for the most efficient turbines to be located at the site this fall. Once this study is complete we will continue to micro-site the turbines based on the model of turbine chosen for the project.

Additionally, we have been very active with securing a Power Purchase Agreement and are working with corporate off-takers along with utilities in our region. We have some very interesting possibilities from corporate entities including combining wind, solar and battery technology to the project.

Construction is schedule to begin November 2021 weather dependent to maintain our PTC qualifications.

We visited with the Dawson County Commissioners this past spring to update them on the progress (and delays) concerning the project and provided them with a tentative schedule of activities for the summer and fall of 2021.

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has delayed our published Interconnection Phase 1 Impact Statement until mid-November 2021. Upon completion of this study, we will get a general idea of the cost of upgrades to the grid system Upper Badlands may be responsible for.